Loving Hashem through loving others.
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If only we had….. If only we had love for one another…. If only we saw the good in one another … If only we had pure unity with each other …. If only we didn’t speak badly about each other … If only we helped one another …. If only we looked out for each other ….. If only we didn’t judge one another …. If only we weren’t jealous of one another …. If only we had patience for one another ….. If only we saw all the good in one another …. If only we saw each person as a Neshama of Hashem ….. If only we realized that we are all related to one another ….. And MOST IMPORTANTLY IF ONLY WE LOVED HASHEM SO MUCH - then we would love each ONE of His children. If only if only……. Then we wouldn’t only have the Kotel Maravi, we would have Hashems full house.
Doesn’t Hashem deserve to be fully happy!! We are always so worried about how our home looks, and how will be looking at it, and how big will it be….. but what about Hashem, He doesn’t have a house for so so many years and He still gives each one of us EVERYTHING!! Even though we don’t deserve anything!!!!! Each stone on this Kotel was carved by hand and really felt each brother and sister's pain!!!
Every single stone is one of us. We should all come together and unite and show Hashem how much we truly love Him by loving His beloved children!